
When you buy an e-cigarette for beginners such as the eGo e-cigarette, the starter kit will most likely include a clearomizer. The clearomizer is a small e-cigarette attachment that holds your e-liquid and vaporizes it for inhaling. You’ll replace the clearomizer periodically when the flavour changes or the heating coil no longer produces as much vapour as it once did. After you’ve vaped for a while, though, you may find that you’d like to try a different e-cigarette attachment such as a tank. Although clearomizers and tanks are similar in principle, they do have some key differences in the way that you use them. So, how do clearomizers vs. tanks compare? Let’s learn more about the two most popular types of e-cigarette attachments.

Clearomizers and Tanks Have Different Disposable Components

An Entire Clearomizer Is Disposable

No atomizer coil lasts forever. Eventually, residue begins to collect on the coil – or the cotton wick begins to break down – and the flavour quality of the e-cigarette begins to suffer. At that point, the only thing that you can do to restore the original quality of your vaping experience is to discard the atomizer coil and start over with a new one. If you use a clearomizer, the clearomizer itself is the disposable component. You’ll throw the entire unit away and begin using a new one.

With a Tank, Only the Atomizer Coil Is Disposable

An e-cigarette tank isn’t disposable. Rather, you throw away only the atomizer coil. When it’s time to replace the atomizer coil in your tank, you’ll twist off the tank’s base to access the coil. You’ll then twist the coil out of the base and twist in a new one. Atomizer coils for vaping tanks typically come in boxes of 3-5 coils.

Clearomizers Are Simpler, but Tanks Cost Less

The benefit of replacing only an atomizer coil – rather than an entire clearomizer – is that using a tank may cost you less over time than using clearomizers. You can usually buy an entire box of coils for around the same cost as 2-3 clearomizers. On the other hand, you’ll find comparing clearomizers vs. tanks that clearomizers are much simpler to use. With a clearomizer, the only maintenance you’ll ever need to perform is filling it with e-liquid. Tanks require other forms of maintenance such as disassembly for cleaning and replacement of the silicone gaskets.

A Tank May Provide a Flavour Upgrade

If you’re sensitive to certain types of flavours, you may find that an e-cigarette tank gives you an upgraded vaping experience compared to a clearomizer. That’s because most clearomizers have plastic enclosures. In addition, clearomizers often use silica wicks. Silica is very durable, but some people find that it produces a “plastic” flavour when used as a vaping wick. Tanks, on the other hand, usually have glass enclosures and organic cotton wicks. Since glass is more inert than plastic, you may find that switching to a tank allows you to taste the fine flavour nuances of your favourite e-liquids more clearly. You’ll also find that glass tanks are much easier to clean than plastic clearomizers. It’s very difficult to clean the flavour of an old e-liquid out of a plastic clearomizer.

Some Tanks May Not Work With All E-Cigarettes

If you’re willing to deal with the increased maintenance that a tank requires, you’ll probably find that switching from a clearomizer to a tank provides a decent upgrade for your vaping experience. If you use a smaller e-cigarette such as an eGo e-cigarette or an EVOD e-cigarette, though, you can’t just connect any tank to your device and start vaping. Before connecting any tank to your device, check the resistance of the tank’s atomizer coil. If you have the tank in your hand, you’ll see the resistance – measured in ohms – etched into the side of the atomizer coil. If you haven’t purchased the tank yet, you’ll find the coil specifications online. An eGo or EVOD will work safely with a coil resistance as low as about 1.5-1.8 ohms. An extremely low-resistance or “sub-ohm” coil may overload your device’s battery or trigger its built-in protection circuit. Sub-ohm tanks are intended for larger vaping devices with the ability to operate at much higher wattages.


February 2025


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